Hebrews 10:25 encourages members in the Body of Christ not to forsake the assembling of themselves together. But instead encourages us to exhort and edify one another, as the day of Christ's return draws near. Here at the Rock, we are firm believers in the power of fellowship, and discipleship is one of the many ways we come together.

These discipleship sessions show us how to apply the word of God to our personal lives. In these discipleship, the Lord answers questions, and shows us a deeper look into His heart and mind concerning His creation. 

We currently meet for our live and interactive discipleships In-person at our location.

Wednesdays: 7:00 P.M. EST

IN-PERSON  or zoom>


Rock I.T is our Tech Team ministry here at the Rock. We need technology now, more than ever, because our world is constantly changing and advancing. This team is responsible for all our audio, visual, and social media functionality. It is a great team that teaches so much more than which button to press to start a recording. Members on this team grow in character development and they learn the heart of an unprofitable servant. 



John 4:24 says, "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth". The Bible admonishes us to sing joyful songs and hymns unto the Lord, and to keep His goodness before us. Our Praise and Worship Team values pure worship before God. Our desire is that the words from our mouth are a reflection of what is truly in our hearts. And above all else, that God is pleased with our worship.



God has blessed us with a team of minstrels that love Him. Music has just as much power as a voice does when it comes to worshipping God. Join our band and be discipled in worshipping God in Spirit and in truth. This platform is an opportunity to grow in God, it does not matter  what your skills or abilities are, as long as you come with a heart willing to glorify God with whatever He has given you.



A Portrait of the Word is one that uses their body to portray God's word both on a platform and in their daily life. We are using the “gift” of dance, given by the Holy Spirit to minister to others. God is the giver of the gift. A gift is something that is freely given. Freely we have received, therefore we should freely give. As we give our all to God, we present our bodies a living sacrifice, which is our reasonable service.



J-MOVES stands for Jesus moves. We believe that music and dance were created by God and they belong to God. J-Moves is a group that desire to reclaim the performing arts for God's glory. Much like Portraits of the Word,  members of J-moves  use the “gift” of dance, given by the Holy Spirit to minister to others. This includes, Hip-hop, Jazz, Contemporary, and Modern dancing styles.